Thursday, September 3, 2009


Tooth decay due to to the action of pathogenic bacteria.

Probable causes

  1. Improper brushing of teeth
  2. Delayed brushing of teeth
  3. No brushing of teeth after eating.
Note: The above causes result in prolonged contact of food ( especially sugars) with tooth surface giving enough time for caries-promoting bacteria to feed on them. This, in turn, produces acid which softens the outer tooth surface making it weak and later broken. Through a broken surface, bacteria enter and attack the soft and more organic inner layers of the tooth.

Probable symptoms
  1. Hypersensitivity of teeth to cold, heat and sugars
  2. Toothache
  3. Tooth cavity
  4. Foul breath
Helpful Dietary Management
  1. Serve balanced diet in 3 regular meals.
  2. Avoid between-meal snacks particularly sugar-sweetened foods.
  3. Choose firm natural foods over soft sticky ones which stay longer in the mouth.
  4. Brush properly and immediately after meals.
  5. Floss at least once a day before going to bed.

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