Sunday, September 13, 2009


GENGIVITIS the inflammation of the gum. If unchecked, inflammation may spread to the supportive tissues surrounding the tooth and the alveolar bone. This may eventually lead to tooth loss.


  1. Poor oral hygiene like not brushing of teeth right after eating especially after snacks, and irregular or wrong way of flossing.
  2. Initiated by dental plaque and intensified by lack of niacin (Vitamin B3) and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) in the diet
  3. Other systemic diseases such a diabetes and syphilis
  1. Ulcer of gum at base of tooth
  2. Pain
  3. Foul smelling breath
  4. Bleeding
  5. Dying gum cells
  1. Eat a bland diet with an abundance of Vitamin C-and B-complex-rich foods.
  2. Avoid strong-flavored (spicy, acidic) and coarse foods which are very irritating.
  3. Brush teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush immediately after eating.
  4. Avoid between-meals snacks.
  5. Avoid foods that contain small seeds that can be trapped in a gum ulcer.

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